Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mr. Leggs Slacks

I have chosen an advertisement for Mr. Leggs slacks, a brand of pants whose “Noble styling is sure to soothe the savage heart.” To illustrate this claim there is a feisty looking woman lying on the floor with her head facing forward, the rest of her body is that of a tiger-skin rug spread out of the floor. A dapper looking man wearing Mr. Leggs slacks is standing over the tiger-rug woman with his foot placed on her head. The man’s pose is that of a victorious hunter who has successfully taken down his prey. The text helps to validate this idea by saying “Though she was a tiger lady, our hero didn’t have to fire a shot to floor her. After one look at his Mr. Leggs slacks, she was ready to have him walk all over her.”
I believe the target audience is single, white heterosexual males. The claim that you could control a woman by wearing Mr. Leggs slacks would be an attractive idea to men who have not gotten married yet. According to this ad you would become more masculine and desirable by wearing these pants, and women would be all too willing to let you walk all over them.
This ad objectifies young, single, white women. The woman is described as being wild and in need of being tamed. It also makes us out to be very shallow by saying we would let a man treat us like a door mat just because he is wearing attractive looking pants.
The way this advertisement states that you would become a he-man by wearing these slacks would be sure to attract attention from the target demographic. Most men are very attached to their ego’s and the subtle way the text implies that you are less than a man if you don’t have women falling all over you would be seen as a threat. It is actually a very interesting sales tactic.  

Thursday, January 20, 2011

All about Moi :)

 My name is Alexis Hahne, but I prefer to be called Lexi.  I was born in a little town named Webster City in Iowa, but my family moved to Missouri when I was 4 years old. Buckner, a tiny town not too far from Kansas City is the place I call my home town. My family has lived in the country for several years. We appreciate the space considering there are eight of us, my Dad, Mom, three sisters, and two brothers. Being the oldest of six children gave me a lot of responsibility and has hopefully somewhat prepared me for life outside of home.
I was homeschooled since third grade and thankfully was not part of the cliche of sheltered kids who had no social interaction with people outside of home. Artistic is a word I like to call myself. Theatre and art have been my passions for years and I intend to make it a second career after I finish my BS in Nursing.
My love of reading began as soon as I was able to sound out words. Not many nowaday's are lucky enough to grow up with a parent with a love of reading. My mother would read us bedtime stories and take us on trips to the Library so we could pick out as many books as we wanted. Unfortunately I can get bored with a book if I dont believe it to be interesting. I might not quit reading the book, but it will take me a while to finish it. In regards to writing, as part of both school and fun I have done quite a bit of writing. Many journals have been started but I would eventually either lose the journal or become bored and quit. I have been told that my writing is good, but I'm not sure I agree. Although i truly try, I know I need a lot of work on grammer and punctuation!  Becoming more confident in my reading and writing skills is very important to me because I believe they are very neccessary skills in life.